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Wednesday 22 May 2013

Woolwich, What Now?

To everyone saying that we should kick out any and all immigrants/muslims/black, brown, got a bit of a tan people, that we should string up the men that murdered a man in S. London today, or we should let a public lynching happen etc., I have one thing to say:

Aren't you better than this? Do you want to sink to the barbaric levels of violence these men did?

If you want a society based on old testament style "an eye for an eye" brutality, then move to certain areas of the Middle East or Africa where it happens and is indeed state-sanctioned.

Or choose civilisation and due process.

I am horrified by what these two men did - the part of the rant that one murder gave to an eyewitness's camera phone put the blame on the government's foreign policy. He and his accomplice are to blame. They chose to bring bloodshed and horror to the streets of their own city (he sounded like a south London lad), they are to blame for that crime - just as politicians are to blame for unsuccessful foreign policies that breed resentment and hatred. And their actions have harmed people across London as brainless mobs and vigilantes will retaliate. The EDL are saying that they are going to Woolwich, so I am already feeling sympathy for everyone living there. And they will target the first muslim or north African looking people they see.

And within a few days, there will be more violence and riots because idiots can't get beyond revenge.

* In the few hours since I posted this, two mosques have been attacked (Gillingham, Kent and Braintree, Essex) and a mini-riot occurred when the EDL marched on Woolwich to display their hand/eye coordination through rock throwing and ability to put on balaclavas. How this helps anything, I don't know...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sorry to hear about such bad things out your way. But yes I agree about people being able to do better than "an eye for an eye".
